interview for Swarm Magazine: The Roots of Taste

Watter lilies, aquarelle, paper, 420 × 594 mm, 2023
Watter lilies, detail

A tak žili ve šťastné homeostáze až navěky
And they lived in happy homeostasis happily ever after
aquarelle, paper, 420 × 594 mm, 2023
A tak žili ve šťastné homeostáze až navěky
And they lived in happy homeostasis happily ever after
infinite pattern,digital print on satin, 2023
a Breath of Fresh Air
Studio, Plac Defilad 1 PKiN, Warsaw
✧ Group
exhibition with: BCAA System, Gabriela BK, Joshua Citarella, Mark
Fridvalszki, Seana Gavin, Eva Jaroňová, Nam June Paik, Kinga
Kiełczyńska, Diana Lelonek, Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt, Milan Ressel, Leon
Romanow, Adéla Součková, Maja Smrekar, Superflux, Suzanne
Treister, Ondřej Trhoň & Nela Pietrová✧ Curators: Jindřich
Chalupecký Society curatorial collective (Barbora Ciprová, Veronika
Čechová, Tereza Jindrová, Karina Kottová) and Paulina Olszewska
(Galeria Studio)
architecture: Krzysztof Skoczylas
Ondřej Houšťava, Zuzana Šrámková (JCHS), Ewa Grzebyk (Galeria
Anna Zagrodzka
group exhibition at Galeria Studio in Warsaw elaborates on the theme
of visions of the future of our planet and the humankind on several
levels. It involves projects by a number of Czech, Polish and
international artists. Rather than the courage to embark on
unrestrained utopian plans, today’s visions of our future are
accompanied by anxiety and black scenarios. There will inevitably be
a future, even if it is one after the extinction of our species. But
perhaps there are more promising prospects after all.

Svět prochází člověkem I
The World Passes through Human
aquarelle, paper, 420 × 594 mm, 2021

Svět prochází člověkem II
The World Passes through Human
aquarelle, paper, 420 × 594 mm, 2021
Svět prochází člověkem III
The World Passes through Human
aquarelle, paper, 297 × 420 mm, 2021
Flowerhead, acrylic, gouache, wooden board2, 2022
Carrier, aquarelle, paper, 2023
Potato Mama, acrylic, gouache, wooden board, 2023
Games, risograph Postcards, 2022

Svět prochází člověkem III
The World Passes through Human
risoprint, 2021
Svět prochází člověkem IV, V
The World Passes through Human IV, V
aquarelle, paper, 210 × 297 mm, 2021
Nemůžu opustit sám sebe
I can'n abandon myself
aquarelle, paper, 297 × 420 mm, 2021
Sublimující tvář
Sublimating face
aquarelle, paper, 297 × 420 mm, 2021
Zkazky z temného lesa / Tales from the Dark Forest
Zkazky z temného lesa / Tales from the Dark Forest
Štěpán Brož, Eva Jaroňová, Tereza Melková, Gabriela Palijová, Anna Slama & Marek Delong
curator: Veronika Čechová / Entrance Gallery / Praha / 2022
Eva Jaroňová's drawings and prins, all the classical dualities that
humankind has defined during its evolution are organically
intertwined: the natural versus the artificial, nature versus
technology, human versus other entities inhabiting the Earth, and the
male versus te female element. however, in the scenes depicted this
division is overcome and there is a symbiosis and close
interconnection of all of the above. The scenes are reminiscent of
references to fertility rituals, have a strong erotic charge and can
be perceived as a sort of 21st century paganism.“
Čechová, Tales from the Dark Forest)
Too Hot / Meetfactory / 2020
Too Hot / Meetfactory / 2020
Eva Jaroňová
curator: Eva Riebová
Heinich & Stibitz
photo: Tomáš Souček
Jaroňová’s exhibition of drawings and prints presents scenes full
of black humor and sarcastic commentaries on contemporary times. This
selection of older and newer works, portraying scenes as morbid as
they are humorous, is situated in a setting staged by the architect
duo Heinich & Stibitz.The architectural design divides the space
into three areas, each of which complement the individual pieces of
Eva‘s work."
(Eva Riebová, Too Hot)
Myceliem / Off Format / 2020
Myceliem / Off Format / 2020
artists:Anežka Abrtová, Eva Jaroňová, Marie Štefáčkovácurators: Petr Kovář, Ondřej Navrátil
photo: Martina Schneiderová
„In Eva Jaroňová's illustrations, the message is conveyed by
catchy black humour; often drastic scenes of torture, death or
sensual pleasure (which we don't necessarily take as the opposite). A
contrasting watercolour delicacy accompanies the artist's revealing
Freudian descent into the repressed layers of our imagery, into our
frustrations, fears and desires, which is enhanced by the use of soft
and flowing textile backgrounds. Motifs of mutually fertilizing
plants, people watering garden beds with their own blood, or
connecting orgiastically with vegetation, reveal beneath the sexual
themes a narrative of the coexistence of man and nature, or more
specifically, a very current effort to expand the traditionally
perceived notion of being beyond humanoid appearance and structure of
thought. „
(Petr Kovář,
Portraits, aquarelle, 2020

Hopeless Prospects
aquarele, paper, gouache, 2019
time immemorial, humans have used nature. At a certain point,
they began to extract too much from it. The age-old
cycle of circulating nutrients
was disrupted. Those who realized
their sins decided to sacrifice themselves.
Nature will reclaim
what belongs to it from those who remain.”
(From Eva
Jaroňová‘s text “Hopeless Prospects”)
Hopeless Prospects, cardboard and riso print object, Bartr Budapest Art Residency,photo: János Szabó, 2019
Hopeless Prospects, zine, riso print,
published by Hurrikan Press, 2019
Sexual Plants, aquarelle, gouache, Paper, 2019
Life in the present, aquarelle, paper, 2019
Paintings 2014 - 2018
gouache, aquarelle on cardboard
digitally manipulated paintings
2016 - 2018
Satin pillow, digital print, textile object, 2019
Výjevy ze života světice / Scenes from the Life of a Saint
digitální tisk na saténu, recyklovaný textil, instalace, Oblastní galerie Vysočiny v Jihlavě, (s terezou Bartůňkovou a Lucií Lučanskou), 2019
Myšlenky neživé hmoty
tužka na papíru
2016 - 2018
Myšlenky neživé hmoty, tisk na papír, instalace, fesstival Lustr, 2019
z obalu na kazetu
tužka na papíru
Loneliness, Hapiness, Kino ART Gallery, Brno (with Daniel Majling), 2015
Autorská kniha "Škůdci" / author's book "Creepy Crawlies"
publikovalo / published by: TIC, Brno, u příležitosti stejnojmenné výstavy v Galerii mladých,
tisk / print: risograph, Kudlawerkstatt,2014
Kurátorka: Zuzana Janečková
Galerie mladých, TIC, Brno, 2014

Kresba z cyklu "V lese" / Drawing from the series "In the woods"
Symposium "Na hranici" / "At the border"
Šumava, Tummelplatz, 2013
Hororový komiks "Škůdci" / Horror comic book "Creepy Crawlies"
publikováno časopisem Živel / published in Živel magazine
Heaven, Hell, Paradise
Série perokreseb a akvarelů inspirovaných pobytem na Islandu /
ink and aquarell, ispired by trip to Iceland
No Fun at All in the House of Dolls
2013 / 2014
Suicide Girls
Galerie Myšina, Brno
velkoformátová malba podchodu / mural painting
The End
olej na plátně / oil on canvas
Nástěnná malba v klubu Yacht a Mezzanine / s P. Kantorovou / mural paintings, 2013